A Heavenly Exchange
“Into thy hands I commit my spirit.” Psalm 31:5
Jesus quoted it on the cross, David wrote it originally prophetically as a psalm. The rest of that says, thou hast redeemed me, Lord God of truth.”
David acknowledges that he his bought; redeemed as a Jew.
We of the New Testament are bought with the blood of Christ. We are set free from the life of sin and it’s repercussions; no longer shackled with sorrow and heaviness.
We are living in stressful times. No doubt we all have stressful circumstances but this pandemic and global mess we’re in seems to have everyone at wits end. People are reeling from loss of loved ones and jobs.
Our nation is divided. We’re seeing the end time playing out. Yet we cannot allow the fear and negativity, that fills the world, fill the church. It’s getting darker out there. We have to shine our light. This is our finest hour.
But we must keep our spirits from being irritable and easily offended. We cannot be infected with the virus of bitterness and resentment. We can’t let our lamps be corrupted with the dead flies of negativity. Ecc. 10:1
We all have days that just wear at us. Maybe we’re waiting for a trial to end. Maybe we’re stuck in a dead end job, married to a cold or backsliding spouse. We must decide in our own hearts that we will get up and show up; encourage ourselves and choose joy.
The world needs a lighthouse. It needs a Bible with visual aids, because most don’t have time to read.
We must have the smile and the gentle spirit that attracts them to Christ.
Some verses to remember:
Prov. 4:23 Keep your hearts with all diligence for out of them flow the issues of life.
This is where the daily exchange comes in. God I commit my spirit into your hand and I ask you to fill me with your spirit. Remove everything that is not of you; every thought and attitude. “My spirit for your spirit” is what I pray throughout the day when I feel like I’m getting a little aggravated or testy. “Restore your presence” is what I’m essentially saying.
Dr Phil is Philippians. Read 4:6; 8-9. Then trust God to keep your heart and mind. II Timothy 1:12.
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