

Something has been itching me to start a blog. I know I do not have a famous name, wealth or pedigree as far as this world is concerned. I am a child of the king and beloved part of his Bride the Church. What I do have I give you; a look into my journey home. I will share my hopes, dreams, songs that moved me that are my works as well as others', books read, scripture from the Word of God that have lifted me in times of doubt and frustration as well as advice that I have gleaned along the way. 

My journey began as I turned my life, with its failures, fears, false securities, successes and future sights; over to the One true God-Jesus Christ. 

Again, this is my journey home to be with the best friend I have ever known! May this journey's blog encourage and build you as it has me! If you do not know him I pray that you will; and will join me in this wonderful journey to see Him face to face. 

Blessings in His Wonderful Name,

Kendra St John 


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