New Levels, New Devils, New Tests: He is our Rest

I must admit these last few years have proven rather difficult to pass. Looking back, it seems that they were like another level of school Or that I am beginning in a new school. I do feel like I am overwhelmed by my surroundings; all the different classes and lessons are so much more difficult. There are quizes and small lessons everytime I turn around. I never thought standing still could prove so difficult.

One day I am a senior and another day I am a freshman, again.
Another level. I feel like I am really dropping the ball and fouling up. LOL

When we were in prep school we learned to learn. In high school we learned to develop good study habits and back up our conclusions with proof and documentation. In college-undergrad and grad school- we teach ourselves and consult the teacher when we need help.

We have heard all the Bible studies, the favorite scriptures, prayer models, armor of God, tactics the devil uses to wear us down...yet we are still vulnerable. Why?

We refer to God like we refer to our teacheers-when we need him. We build a wall to God and a door to the devil. We need to tear down our walls to God and open the door; while building a wall against the devil. Let God rule in our days and decisions.

Remember that Eve used common sense when justifying her indulgence in the wrong fruit. She relied on her own understanding (Proverbs 3:5,6).

Matt 11:28-30 "Learn of me." Ye shall find rest for your souls."


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